It can often seem like there are a bewildering number of things to do in order to stay financially fit. Don’t borrow too much money. Create a budget and stick to it. Save for retirement. Squirrel away money for your children’s education. Now add this to the list of to do’s required in order to… Continue reading Survey: Americans Need To Get More Financially Fit
Tag: featured
FICO Score 9: Latest Credit Score Version Could Save You Thousands
The new FICO Score 9 is coming out this fall, and it looks very positive for many U.S. consumers. Once implemented and used by lenders, it should help many with poor credit or limited credit histories. Ultimately, this could mean better rates for consumers on loans and credit products such as credit cards. Score Highlights… Continue reading FICO Score 9: Latest Credit Score Version Could Save You Thousands
CFPB To Police Prepaid Debit Cards
In yet another sign of the mainstreaming of prepaid debit cards, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced this week that it would begin accepting complaints from Americans encountering problems with these increasingly popular financial products. Although the market for prepaid debit cards has been steadily expanding and attracting big name financial players like American… Continue reading CFPB To Police Prepaid Debit Cards
Green Dot Fights Scammers
Although the hearing was designed to highlight the impact these crimes have on the elderly, it also resulted in some genuine action. In its own written testimony before the committee, Green Dot Corporation, one of the leading suppliers of prepaid debit cards, announced that it would eliminate the MoneyPak PIN, which allowed money to be added to an account to take place via phone.
How To Fix Your Credit Report
A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) study conducted last year found that five percent of consumers had errors on their annual credit reports that could cause them to have to pay more interest on their loans.
Advice To Homebuyers: Boost Your Credit Score
Another bit of advice Green offers is to note how close you are to the credit limit on any of your cards. If you’re near the limit, that is a black mark against you in a lender’s eyes – the ideal is to have a balance of less than 30 percent of your credit limit. If you can’t pay down the limit, Green suggests asking the credit card issuer to up your card’s limit to get it below that 30 percent threshold. Paying close to attention to credit scoring details, insists Green, can up your score by 100 points in no time.